Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tone Matrix = Fucking Cool

Alright folks. Not much new on this end of the spectrum on account of one thing: this tone matrix thing. It is hands down the coolest thing I have found on the internet in quite some time. I've been toying with it for hours, and it's still just as fun. I wish I could just embed it into this blog, but alas, I'm too dumb. I tried copying the source code and posting it with the edit HTML option on this but fuck it. I know next to nothing about that stuff. Anyway, this thing rules so check it.


  1. Man that's cool. It generates the coolest beats. I bet that's what rappers use these days ;)

  2. That app is extremely nice indeed!!!

  3. I love that thing, but it takes up to much of my time :(

  4. awesome thing and cute picture :) +followed evar d4y

  5. Looks like fun. I'll try it later.

  6. Played with that for quite a while, good time killer!
